The Positive behaviour for learning (PBL) Program is designed to create a learning and teaching environment to maximise learning, teach important social skills, recognise and model good behaviour and establish positive styles of communication. The PBL program focusses on students being safe, being responsible and being a learner.
The rules are taught through direct, explicit instruction. Social stories and other visual supports are individually created to support student learning to develop skills to more independently succeed in displaying positive behaviours.
Students’ progress is monitored and rewarded both in individual classes and as a whole school. Students are given certificates at weekly Assembly and are frequently given 'surfboards' when they are ‘caught’ following school rules, at any time of the day. These surfboards are displayed on each students individual PBL chart and displayed in their classrooms to encourage engagement in the program.
Students are encouraged to aim for ten surfboards in each of the PBL areas' each term. Upon successfully achieving their surfboards, students get to celebrate at various fun events, such as a pizza party and disco, at the end of each term. Their photo is also placed on the large 'Currumbin Surf' visual display board at the front of the Assembly Hall. It is heart-warming to have so much positive feedback on student behaviour.